Tuesday, April 13, 2010

long awaited garden

I grew up with a garden it's something I have wanted to do for a while. Last year I was research and got books and read up and was all ready to do it but then with a baby on the way I didn't think it was quite the right time but a month ago my parents were down and we spotted some box frames at Sams Club and now here we are! I have planted about everything you can think of for this particular season at least at everything is growing great! I am very excited about having it and being able to eat from it. It's a fun project and a hobby I am really enjoying i'll post some more recent picks later it's already growing away:)


Pike's Place said...

I'm so impressed! Looks delish!

Michelle Malesis said...

I LOVE IT!! I was just thinking about posting pictures of my garden. We only have peas, lettuce and green onions now but at the end of this month we should be able to plant more now that the frost is hopefully over.

KB said...

Mmmmmmm... delicious!!!

Anya said...

How fun!