Thursday, November 5, 2009

month 5

Corbin is 5 months old, and time just keeps flying by. He is rolling onto both of his sides but has yet to make any effort to get to his stomach but if you put him on his stomach he rolls to his back, goes to show you how much he dislikes being on his stomach. He can sit up by himself pretty well which is how he wants to be all the time. He loves to be up and able to see everything going on around him. The little jumper entertainer is by far his favorite thing to hang out in although he has already got throwing his toys off it so I have to be constantly picking them back up. His sleeping is getting a tiny bit better he's just pretty erratic when it comes to a schedule. He is eating cereal now and loves it and we have moved on to a couple foods too all big hits. He is still a wonderful easy going kid who is pretty content with just going with the flow  ( my genes of course ).


Pike's Place said...

I can't believe your cutie is five months! Time does fly!

Anya said...

He is soooo cute.